50 y/o with LLV on Odefsey

Mutations: None
Comorbidities: None
Comedications: None
Treatment history: None
Current regimen: RPV/TAF/FTC (Odefsey)
Adherence: Administration preference: Penalize IV/IM/SC dosing
CD4: Unknown
Viral load: Low (200 - 100,000)
HLA-B5701: Negative
Tropism: Unknown
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Submitted by maunank on

50 year old woman, previously suppressed on odefsey. Vl now 630.  No mutations detected.  On antacids.

Score Code Regimen Weighted Score Active Drugs Total Pills Frequency (x/day)
1 BIC/TAF/FTC 0.5 2 1 1
1 DTG/TDF/3TC 0.5 2 1 1
1 DTG+TAF/FTC 0.5 2 2 1
1 DTG+TDF/FTC 0.5 2 2 1
1 DRV/c/TAF/FTC 1.25 2 1 1
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