Can we give ABC if HLA57 report pending ?

Mutations: None
Comorbidities: None
Comedications: None
Treatment history: None
Current regimen: FTC (Emtricitabine/Emtriva) , TAF (Tenofovir alafenamide/Vemlidy) , RPV (Rilpivirine/Edurant)
Adherence: No options selected
CD4: Unknown
Viral load: Suppressed (<50) for more than 6 months
HLA-B5701: Negative
Tropism: Unknown
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Submitted by DR MATIN AHMAD KHAN on

A 40 year comes for followp with virologically suppressed with RPV/TAF/FTC . he is started now  pantaprazole  for reflux oesophagitis and also being given Budesonide /Formetrol  for asthma .

His HLA B5701 is pending   ( says ' 

  • When HLA-B*5701 screening is not readily available, it remains reasonable to initiate ABC with appropriate clinical counseling and monitoring for any signs of HSR (CIII).

My questions are 

1. I would like to start regimen is DTG/ABC/3TC  but his HLA B5701 is pending ,

Can I start ABC in pending  HLA B5701 report situations ?

2.  I want to change the regimen ,which of the following I can ?

 a)  DOR & FTC/TAF


c) ATV  and FTC/TAF


Score Code Regimen Weighted Score Active Drugs Total Pills Frequency (x/day)
1 CAB/RPV 1 2 0 0.03
1 DTG/3TC 1 2 1 1
1 BIC/TAF/FTC 1 3 1 1
1 DOR/TDF/3TC 1 3 1 1
1 DTG/ABC/3TC [Your preferred regimen] 1 3 1 1
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