
Mutations: L10V, M46I, A71T, L89V, L90M, M184V, K65R, Y181C
Comorbidities: None
Comedications: None
Treatment history: None
Current regimen: ETR (Etravirine/Intelence) , RAL (Raltegravir/Isentress) , TDF/FTC (Truvada)
Adherence: No options selected
CD4: ≤ 200
Viral load: Low (200 - 100,000)
HLA-B5701: Negative
Tropism: Unknown
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to help us improve HIV-ASSIST.
Because there are salvage regimens in consideration, please consider seeking ID consultation or contact the National Clinical Consultation Center partners.
Score Code Regimen Weighted Score Active Drugs Total Pills Frequency (x/day)
3 BIC/TAF/FTC 3.75 1.33 1 1
3 DTG/TDF/3TC 3.75 1.33 1 1
3 DTG+TAF/FTC 3.75 1.33 2 1
3 DTG+TDF/FTC 3.75 1.33 2 1
3 DOR+BIC/TAF/FTC 4 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+DOR/TDF/3TC 4.01 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+DOR+TAF/FTC 4.21 2.33 3 1
4 DTG+DOR+TDF/FTC 4.21 2.33 3 1
4 DTG+3TC/AZT 5.05 2 3 2
4 DTG+AZT+FTC 5.25 2 4 2
4 IBA+DTG/TDF/3TC 5.5 2.33 1 1
4 IBA+BIC/TAF/FTC 5.5 2.33 1 1
4 LEN+DTG/TDF/3TC 5.5 2.33 1 1
4 LEN+BIC/TAF/FTC 5.5 2.33 1 1
4 DTG+LEN+TAF/FTC 5.5 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+LEN+TDF/FTC 5.5 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+IBA+TAF/FTC 5.5 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+IBA+TDF/FTC 5.5 2.33 2 1
4 DTG+IBA 5.9 2 1 1
4 DTG+DOR 5.91 2 2 1
4 DTG+LEN 5.99 2 1 1
5 FTR+DTG/TDF/3TC 6 2.33 3 2
5 FTR+BIC/TAF/FTC 6 2.33 3 2
5 DTG+IBA+DOR 6.01 3 2 1
5 DTG+FTR+TAF/FTC 6.2 2.33 4 2
5 DTG+FTR+TDF/FTC 6.2 2.33 4 2
5 DTG+LEN+DOR 6.26 3 2 1
5 DTG+LEN+IBA+DOR 6.31 4 2 1
5 DTG+RPV/TAF/FTC 6.36 1.67 2 1
5 DTG+RPV/TDF/FTC 6.36 1.67 2 1
5 RPV+DTG/TDF/3TC 6.36 1.67 2 1
5 DTG+FTR 6.69 2 3 2
5 RAL+IBA+DOR 6.7 3 3 1
5 DTG+DOR+3TC/AZT 6.71 3 4 2
5 RPV+BIC/TAF/FTC 6.85 1.67 2 1
5 DTG+FTR+DOR 6.91 3 4 2
5 DTG+DOR+AZT+FTC 6.91 3 5 2
5 LEN+RAL+DOR 6.95 3 3 1
5 DTG+FTR+IBA+DOR 6.96 4 4 2
5 LEN+RAL+IBA+DOR 7 4 3 1
5 RAL+IBA 7.4 2 2 1
5 DTG+LEN+FTR+DOR 7.46 4 4 2
5 RAL+LEN 7.49 2 2 1
5 RAL+FTR+DOR 7.6 3 5 2
5 RAL+DOR 7.65 2 3 1
5 RAL+FTR+IBA+DOR 7.65 4 5 2
5 DTG+EFV/TDF/FTC 8.05 1.67 3 2
5 DTG+LEN+3TC/AZT 8.05 3 3 2
5 IBA+DTG/RPV 8.06 2.33 1 1
5 LEN+RAL+FTR+DOR 8.15 4 5 2
5 AZT+FTC+DTG/RPV 8.16 2.33 4 2
5 DTG+RPV+3TC/AZT 8.16 2.33 4 2
5 DTG+LEN+AZT+FTC 8.25 3 4 2
5 DOR+EVG/c/TAF/FTC 8.3 2.33 2 1
5 DOR+EVG/c/TDF/FTC 8.3 2.33 2 1
5 DTG+IBA+3TC/AZT 8.3 3 3 2
5 LEN+DTG/RPV 8.31 2.33 1 1
5 RAL+FTR 8.39 2 4 2
5 DTG+FTR+3TC/AZT 8.45 3 5 2
5 LEN+IBA+DTG/RPV 8.46 3.33 1 1
5 DTG+IBA+AZT+FTC 8.5 3 4 2
5 DTG+FTR+AZT+FTC 8.65 3 6 2
5 EFV+DTG/TDF/3TC 8.8 1.67 3 2
5 RAL+DOR/TDF/3TC 8.8 2.33 3 1
5 FTR+DTG/RPV 8.86 2.33 3 2
5 RAL+DOR+TAF/FTC 8.9 2.33 4 1
5 RAL+DOR+3TC/AZT 8.9 3 5 2
5 DTG+EFV+TAF/FTC 9 1.67 4 2
5 RAL+DOR+TDF/FTC 9 2.33 4 1
5 FTR+IBA+DTG/RPV 9.01 3.33 3 2
5 RAL+DOR+AZT+FTC 9.1 3 6 2
5 LEN+RAL+IBA+RPV 9.5 3.33 3 1
5 LEN+FTR+DTG/RPV 9.51 3.33 3 2
5 RAL+IBA+EFV 9.75 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+FTR+IBA+EFV 9.75 3.33 5 2
5 IBA+EVG/c/TAF/FTC 9.8 2.33 1 1
5 IBA+EVG/c/TDF/FTC 9.8 2.33 1 1
5 DTG+EFV+3TC/AZT 9.8 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+IBA+RPV 9.85 2.33 3 1
5 DTG+IBA+EFV 10 2.33 3 2
5 DTG+EFV+AZT+FTC 10 2.33 6 2
5 LEN+EVG/c/TAF/FTC 10.05 2.33 1 1
5 LEN+EVG/c/TDF/FTC 10.05 2.33 1 1
5 LEN+RAL+RPV 10.1 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+LEN+TAF/FTC 10.2 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+IBA+TAF/FTC 10.2 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+LEN+3TC/AZT 10.25 3 4 2
5 DTG+FTR+IBA+EFV 10.25 3.33 5 2
5 RAL+FTR+IBA+RPV 10.25 3.33 5 2
5 FTR+EVG/c/TAF/FTC 10.3 2.33 3 2
5 FTR+EVG/c/TDF/FTC 10.3 2.33 3 2
5 RAL+LEN+TDF/FTC 10.3 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+IBA+TDF/FTC 10.3 2.33 3 1
5 RAL+3TC/AZT 10.35 2 4 2
5 DTG+FTR+EFV 10.4 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+FTR+IBA+ETR 10.4 3.33 6 2
5 RAL+LEN+AZT+FTC 10.45 3 5 2
5 RAL+IBA+3TC/AZT 10.5 3 4 2
5 RAL+AZT+FTC 10.55 2 5 2
5 RAL+FTR+EFV 10.65 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+FTR+3TC/AZT 10.65 3 6 2
5 RAL+IBA+AZT+FTC 10.7 3 5 2
5 LEN+RAL+FTR+RPV 10.75 3.33 5 2
5 RAL+IBA+ETR 10.8 2.33 4 2
5 RAL+FTR+RPV 10.85 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+FTR+AZT+FTC 10.85 3 7 2
5 RAL+FTR+TAF/FTC 10.9 2.33 5 2
5 EVG/c/TAF/FTC 11 1.33 1 1
5 RAL+FTR+TDF/FTC 11 2.33 5 2
5 EVG/c/TDF/FTC 11.1 1.33 1 1
5 RAL+TAF/FTC 11.1 1.33 3 1
5 RAL+TDF/FTC 11.2 1.33 3 1
5 CAB/RPV 11.25 1.33 0 0.03
5 RAL+FTR+ETR 11.3 2.33 6 2
5 RAL+RPV+3TC/AZT 11.45 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+EFV+3TC/AZT 11.55 2.33 5 2
5 RAL+RPV+AZT+FTC 11.65 2.33 6 2
5 RAL+EFV+AZT+FTC 11.75 2.33 6 2
5 LEN+RAL+IBA+ETR 11.8 3.33 4 2
5 RPV+EVG/c/TAF/FTC 11.9 1.67 2 1
5 RAL+RPV/TAF/FTC 11.9 1.67 3 1
5 RAL+EFV/TDF/FTC 11.9 1.67 3 1
5 RAL+RPV/TDF/FTC 12 1.67 3 1
5 DOR/TDF/3TC 12.1 1.33 1 1
5 DOR+TAF/FTC 12.1 1.33 2 1
5 DOR+3TC/AZT 12.35 2 3 2
5 DOR+AZT+FTC 12.55 2 4 2
5 LEN+RAL+FTR+ETR 12.55 3.33 6 2
5 LEN+RAL+ETR 12.7 2.33 4 2
5 RAL+EFV+TAF/FTC 12.75 1.67 4 1
5 RAL+ETR+3TC/AZT 13.1 2.33 6 2
5 RAL+ETR+AZT+FTC 13.3 2.33 7 2
5 DTG/RPV 13.41 1.33 1 1
5 DOR+TDF/FTC 13.5 1.33 2 1
5 RAL+EFV 14.45 1.33 3 1
5 RAL+RPV 14.55 1.33 3 1
5 EFV/TDF/FTC 14.65 0.67 1 1
5 RAL+ETR+TAF/FTC 14.8 1.67 5 2
5 RAL+ETR+TDF/FTC [Current regimen] 14.9 1.67 5 2
5 EFV+TAF/FTC 15.4 0.67 2 1
5 RPV/TAF/FTC 15.45 0.67 1 1
5 DTG+EFV 15.45 1.33 3 2
5 RAL+ETR 15.5 1.33 4 2
5 RPV/TDF/FTC 15.95 0.67 1 1
5 ETR+TAF/FTC 17.65 0.67 3 2
5 ETR+TDF/FTC 17.65 0.67 3 2
5 EFV+3TC/AZT 18.65 1.33 3 2
5 EFV+AZT+FTC 18.85 1.33 4 2
5 ETR+3TC/AZT 19.2 1.33 4 2
5 ETR+AZT+FTC 19.4 1.33 5 2
5 RPV+3TC/AZT 19.55 1.33 3 2
5 RPV+AZT+FTC 19.75 1.33 4 2


Preferred regimen based on the HIV-ASSIST algorithm: BIC/TAF/FTC

BIC/TAF/FTC had the lowest weighted score (3.75) among all regimens HIV-ASSIST evaluated. In general, lower HIV-ASSIST weighted scores are considered preferable with respect to achieving viral suppression and maximizing tolerability. Your patient may have other considerations we did not factor and this report should not be considered a guarantee of likely success with this patient. Please use clinical judgement in making final ARV selections. Other regimens you may wish to consider are listed below. A full list of ARV regimens analyzed by the HIV-ASSIST algorithm can be found by clicking the Expert Tab above.

Score Code Regimen Weighted Score Active Drugs Total Pills Frequency (x/day)
3 BIC/TAF/FTC 3.75 1.33 1 1

The rationale behind why this regimen was chosen by our algorithm as the most appropriate is shown below:

Other highly ranked regimens

Other highly ranked regimens based on the HIV-ASSIST algorithm are shown below. For full details on these regimens, please click on the Expert Tab above.

Score Code Regimen Weighted Score Active Drugs Total Pills Frequency (x/day)
3 DTG/TDF/3TC 3.75 1.33 1 1
3 DTG+TAF/FTC 3.75 1.33 2 1
3 DTG+TDF/FTC 3.75 1.33 2 1
3 DOR+BIC/TAF/FTC 4 2.33 2 1


Based on the Stanford Database, we assign penalties to various regimens based on inputted (i.e., genotypic) and assumed archived mutations. We consider drugs with summed mutation scores between 10 and 29 to have low-level resistance, scores between 30 and 59 to have intermediate-level resistance, and scores above 60 to have high-level resistance.

* signifies an assumed archived mutation based on prior treatment experience.
M184V 60 60 15 -10 -10 -10 -10 10
K65R 15 15 45 45 45 -10 60 60
Total 75 75 60 35 35 -20 50 70
Y181C 30 30 45 60 5
Total 30 30 45 60 5
M46I 10 10 5 10 10 30 10 10 10 0 0 0
L89V 0 10 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 5 5 5
L90M 10 20 0 45 30 60 20 20 20 0 0 0
M46ILV + L90M 5 10 0 5 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0
Total 25 50 5 60 55 110 40 40 40 5 5 5
Total 0 0 0 0 0
EI Mutation(s) MVC IBA FOS
Total 0 0 0
CI Mutation(s) LEN
Total 0

Comorbidities, Side Effects, and Pregnancy Interactions

HIV-ASSIST incorporates a mathematical penalty into our algorithms for ARVs that are less preferred due to comorbidities or side-effects, based on recommendations from DHHS guidelines and HIV-ASSIST clinician and pharmacist expertise. In general, higher penalties suggest that the listed ARV is less favored in the presence of the stated comorbidity or side effect.

Co-medication Interactions

We have identified the following possible drug interactions which HIV-ASSIST factors into ARV regimen selection, based on recommendations from DHHS guidelines, University of Liverpool HIV Drug Interaction Checker, and HIV-ASSIST clinician and pharmacist expertise. Penalties less than 1.0 are typically those representing minor interactions that can be mediated by dosage adjustments, whereas a penalty of 2.0 represents medically contraindicated ARVs.